Collection: About
Welcome and thank you for stopping by!
I am so glad you are here! My pottery journey started all the way back when I took a ceramics class in junior high many years ago. I loved it but life happened and family and work always got in the way but here we are years later and I am making time for this rewarding and calming process of being a potter.
I retired from my very stressful and demanding job of being a 911 dispatcher and can now focus on every step of the process. It amazes me that you can take a lump of clay and with some time, skill (and I'm still working on this), glaze and a really great kiln turn that lump of clay into something beautiful and functional.
I have so many things I want to attempt and perfect and I suppose I don't really know where it will lead me but I look forward to sharing the process along the way with you!
Teaching others to try their hand at this amazing medium has become one of my favorite things to do! I offer beginning wheel throwing lessons, either one on one or two person, as well as the occasional slab building class. It is so rewarding to see someone enjoy it as much as I do!